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AFDD 2-7, AIR FORCE DOCTRINE DOCUMENT: SPECIAL OPERATIONS (17 JUL 2001)., This document has been prepared under the direction of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force. It establishes doctrinal guidance for the employ- ment of Air Force special operations forces (AFSOF) across the range of military operations from Major Theater War (MTW) to Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW). As the Air Force�s keystone document on special operations, it underpins commanders� planning and execution of AFSOF missions and forms the basis for organizing those forces. This document applies to all active duty, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard, and civilian Air Force personnel. All those concerned with planning and executing Air Force and special operations missions should read and understand this document to establish a foundation for successful future application. This doctrine is authoritative but not directive; commanders are encouraged to exercise judgment in applying this doctrine to accomplish their missions. Air Force Special Operations assets are used across the of spectrum military operations from MTW to MOOTW at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels of war. AFSOF are airmen who �flex� the Air Force�s special operations arm of America�s aerospace power. They possess capabilities integral to the success of the joint force special operations component commander (JFSOCC), the Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC), and the Commander, Air Force Forces (COMAFFOR) in their conduct of aerospace operations. AFSOF are force multipliers and complement all joint forces in prosecuting the campaign. This document describes the airman�s perspective of AFSOF, its appropriate mission areas, and its contribution to the Air Force�s functions of aerospace power. Application of this document includes organization of AFSOF; planning, preparation, and execution of missions conducted by AFSOF; and operational-level considerations for AFSOF employment.

AFDD 2-7 Rev. 2001


200107-2001494.62 KB AFDD_2-7_2001

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