MIL-STD-810G (w/ CHANGE-1), DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TEST METHOD STANDARD: ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTS (15-APR-2014) (LARGE FILE - 66 MB)., This Standard is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense (DoD).
Although prepared specifically for DoD applications, this Standard may be tailored for commercial applications as
well. This Change Notice to version G incorporates updates and clarifications to the earlier edition. The primary
emphases are still the same - (with the exception of Method 528) tailoring a materiel item\'s environmental design
and test limits to the conditions that the specific materiel will experience throughout its service life, and establishing
laboratory test methods that replicate the effects of environments on materiel, rather than trying to reproduce the
environments themselves. The goal is to provide an up-front explanation of how to implement the environmental
tailoring process throughout the materiel acquisition cycle.
This revision recognizes that the environmental design and test tailoring process has expanded to involve a wide
range of managerial and technical interests. Accordingly, this revision orients environmental design and test
direction toward three basic types of users who have distinctly different, although closely associated, interests:
Program Managers who, among other responsibilities, ensure proposed concepts and systems are valid and functional
in intended operational environments; environmental engineering specialists (EES), who enter the acquisition process
early to assist combat and materiel developer tailoring efforts by preparing life cycle environmental profiles and
drafting tailored design criteria and test programs; and the design, test, and evaluation community, whose analysts,
engineers, and facility operators use tailored designs and tests to meet user needs.
Part One describes management, engineering, and technical roles in the environmental design and test tailoring
process. It focuses on the process of tailoring materiel design and test criteria to the specific environmental
conditions a materiel item is likely to encounter during its service life. Annex A contains complete descriptions of
environmental engineering tasks, including additional guidance on Task 402, Life Cycle Environmental Profile
(LCEP). These tasks, along with management information in Annex B and EES guidance in Annex C, will help to
ensure the environmental design and test tailoring process is implemented and documented according to the
disciplined, but flexible approach to materiel acquisition called for in Department of Defense (DoD) 5000-series
documents (DoDD 5000.1). Terms used in this Standard relating to the materiel acquisition process are limited to
terms used in the DoD 5000-series documents; to avoid confusion and promote simplicity, service-specific
terms/processes are not used.
Part Two contains environmental laboratory test methods to be applied according to the general and specific test
tailoring guidelines described in Part One. It is important to emphasize that, with the exception of Method 528,
these Methods are not to be called out in blanket fashion, nor applied as unalterable routines, but are to be selected
and tailored to generate the most relevant test data possible. Methods 500 through 527 now contain the Note,
�Tailoring is essential. Select methods, procedures and parameter levels based on the tailoring process described in
Part One, paragraph 4.2.2, and Annex C. Apply the general guidelines for laboratory test methods described in Part
One, paragraph 5 of this Standard.� Prior to the start of testing, all deviations as a result of tailoring shall be
approved by the proper authorities.
Part Three contains a compendium of climatic data and guidance assembled from several sources to include AR
70-38, �Research, Development, Test and Evaluation of Materiel for Extreme Climatic Conditions,� (1979), Draft
AR 70-38 (1990) that was assembled using 1987 Air Land Battlefield Environment (ALBE) report information,
�Environmental Factors and Standards for Atmospheric Obscurants, Climate, and Terrain,� and MIL-HDBK-310,
Global Climatic Data for Developing Military Products.
Part Three provides planning guidance for realistic consideration (starting points) of climatic conditions in the
research, development, test, and evaluation (RDTE) of materiel and materials used throughout their life cycles in
various climatic regions throughout the world. It is intended that this and related documents will help achieve the
objective of developing materiel that will perform adequately under the environmental conditions likely to be found
throughout its life cycle in the areas of intended use.