DI-SESS-81877, DATA ITEM DESCRIPTION (DID): BASELINE DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT (MIL-STD-3046) (28-FEB-2013)., The Baseline Description Document provides identification of the approved documents which define an item�s Functional, Allocated, and/or Product Baselines as defined by MIL-STD-3046. The baseline documents will define the item\'s functional and physical characteristics in the form of specifications, drawings, model based definition, associated lists, interface control documents, and documents referenced therein. The principal use of this identification is to form the basis for configuration control of designated Configuration Items (CIs).
This DID contains the format, content and preparation instructions for the data product resulting from the work task specified in the solicitation.
These descriptions shall be required for contracts requiring configuration control, and shall be formally released in writing at the point in time when the baselines are established. This data will be used by the acquiring activity as the baseline upon which to judge future changes to the equipment/systems. The descriptions shall be updated each time the baselines are changed.
Each document forming a Baseline Description Document shall include the following:
a. Revision identifier (i.e. date or date/revision code).
b. Document identifier which uniquely identifies that document.
c. Identification of controlling authority and change procedures for that document, either contained within the document or by reference to another document such as a Configuration Management Plan.
d. Storage of the document in an identified master repository.
Preparation of these descriptions shall in no way conflict with or contravene contract requirements specifying delivery of technical data packages and other engineering support data, as delineated in the contract.
This DID is approved for use by the US Army to support the Army interim standard MIL-STD-3046, which will be canceled when a suitable non-government standard is developed or until two years from the date of the standard. When MIL-STD-3046 is canceled, this DID will also be canceled.