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DI-SESS-81632, DATA ITEM DESCRIPTION: INTERFACE SPECIFICATION (08 MAR 2002)., The Interface Specification (IS) contains the requirements and design for controlled interfaces between systems and system components, facilities, or agencies, down to any detail level such as system segments, prime items, computer software configuration items, and hardware configuration items. The purpose of the IS is to specify interfaces for functional-, allocated-, and product-level configuration baselines. The IS is the tool by which the government communicates and controls an interface�s requirements and design. The IS references interface information contained in a Common Interface Specification (CIS) which is prepared when the requirements and design for controlled interfaces are common to two or more systems, facilities, or agencies. Upon government authentication, the documents prepared with this DID become part of the government-controlled configuration baseline. The IS and CIS are useful to the contractor(s) as the basis for the design, development, and maintenance of the interfaces(s). This Data Item Description (DID) contains the format and content preparation instructions for the data product generated by specific and discrete task requirements as delineated in the contract SOW. This DID does not require any other DID types, nor is it mutually exclusive with any DID types.



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