DI-MISC-81397C, DATA ITEM DESCRIPTION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (HMMP) REPORT (19-JUN-2014)., The Hazardous Materials Management Program (HMMP) Report will be
used to document the contractor�s efforts to eliminate or reduce the hazardous materials risk
associated with the system, system component or support item being acquired. It is
applicable to the acquisition of systems, system components, associated support items, and
facilities during the current and all future acquisition phases.
a. This HMMP Report Data Item Description (DID) will be used to document the program�s
status in reducing hazardous material risks and costs. The report will also support
compliance with the requirements of relevant laws, presidential executive orders and the
regulations that implement those laws and orders.
b. This DID contains the format, content, and intended use information for the data resulting
from the work task described in the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA)/National
Aerospace Standard (NAS) 411. This DID is intended for use by system acquisition program
offices responsible for acquiring or modifying systems where NAS411 is used as the basis for
the HMMP Report.
c. This DID is related to DI-MGMT-81398, Hazardous Materials Management Program
(HMMP) Plan.
d. This DID supersedes DI-MISC-81397B.