AMCP 706-134, AMC PAMPHLET: ENGINEERING DESIGN HANDBOOK - MAINTAINABILITY GUIDE FOR DESIGN (03-OCT-1972)., The objective of this handbook is to influence design so that equipment can be (1) serviced efficiently
and effectively if servicing is required, and repaired efficiently and
effectively if it shoidd fail, or (2) operable for the period of intended
life without failing and without servicing, if possible. The designer
who considers the techn(.ogy of maintainability as one of the prime
Jesign considerations can play a vital part in the solution of the
saintenance Problem, whereas the designer who fails to do this adds
to the intensity of the problem. Tbhis handbook embraces information on the extent and nature of
the Mlaintenance Pafoblem as it exists today and the principles and
tchkllques that, if included .n fut!\',e designs, will reduce this p. iblem.
Part One describes the extent of the Maintenance Problem in terms of
O, expenditure of money, men, and materiel. Part Two presents
:aaintan.ability objectives, principles, and procedures. Part Three describes
the nature of the Maintenance Prbblem in terms of the- conditions
.jnder which weapon systems must be operated and maintained,
fyon, ihe logistical, human, and the environmental points of view. Part
Four deals with design considerations that have general applicability to
all types of Army materiel. Design considerations applicable to specific
types -,f Army materiel are presented in Part Fv-.. Specific references
\"z., list�ed aftcr chapters or sections. A glossary 6f maintainability
cnis and a bibliography are included near the end of the handbook.
An appendix presents a tabulation of Applicable Military Specifications,
Standards and Publications.